Released as 12″ on ZCKR Records – April 18th, 2013
Listen on Soundcloud
Videos by Sebastian Reuschel
Bunker I-III is an artefactual statement. The band TAP909 deals with this fact and creates some striking material in their live shows. The songs from this EP are taken from one of these indecent moments, which are radical, noisy and unscripted – searching for an answer between all these analogue machine sounds. An answer made out of technology which technology cannot give. Against the society of selfish dreamers and spine- less fools.
A: This is one of your ongoing nightmares, which is never-ending, taking you back to that horrible dream of sound and distortion. While listening, you will never expect that you can go home some days, but from moment to moment you will wake up in your past dream; only if you are lucky.
B: Step after step. Step after step. It leads you to a hypnotic condition. You will grow up in a toothless field and realizing that the end is close, you start to run but only to notice that you cannot get out of this. Afraid to fight you will see all the memories you have close, right in front of your eyes. It blows you away and the show is over but you are still alive and you don’t know why.
Florian Kupfer – Inverted Audio Podcast 140
Norman Nodge – Field Recording 50
注目のインナー・トリップサウンドレーベル、”Zckr”新作!! Stig IngeとPlaymodulによって主催されるブレーメン発のエレクトロニック・レーベル”Zckr”新作はTap909なるミステリアスなアーティストによるライヴ・レコーディングされたノイズ~エクスペリメンタル作品!!
[…] Bunker I-III, so der Name der Platte, ist schon ein kleines Unding und dies in vielerlei Hinsicht.Zunächst, wieso kommt solche Musik gerade aus Bremen? Es gibt dort keine wirkliche Szene und mittlerweile auch keine richtige Location mehr für diese Musik. Okay, TAP909 funktionieren sicherlich auch im Galerie Kontext oder im Umfeld der “Kleinkunst”, wenn man den Kulturbunker in Bremen mal als einen solchen Ort bezeichnen möchte. […] (