Summer Semester Term 2020
Main project

An audiovisual VR experience.
Accessible during Rundgang (17.07. – 19.07.2020)


What are my possibilities for online performances without an physical spatial experience these days? During the last semester at UdK I learned more about programming than in my little excursion in computer engineering a few years ago and I am happy to present you my first approach to use software dedicated for game development as a medium for audiovisual and spatial experiences.

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tide pool (Open Call)

The virtual space and sound environment Tide Pool (four parts, 3’03 min in total) is created by Adel Akram Alameddine for the exhibition. Here, in a weightless state, we are set in motion, hovering through the cloudscape, accompanied by a disembodied voice which leads us to the first space within Tide Pool. […]

Taken from the program


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Creative Coding, Sensory Scapes, Basics Workshop…

more to come on November 1st…

Adel Akram · IID_2020_04_23_Klassenfoto